
Alexander’s Hair Transplant Result
Alexander is a farmer who decided to go for a big change in his life. We have rebuilt the frontal hair line and temple region at high density. Results speak for everything. Our patient found love of his life and we are more than happy we have built up his self confidence and basically changed his life completely.


Jozef’s Hair Transplant Result
Jozef works as a rescue worker. He is one of our favourite patients and his priority was a natural undetectable result. The thinning in the frontal hairline area was preventing his ability to style his hair as normal. When he came to see us first time we restored the frontal hairline. Second time we increased volume with precise planning. We are very much proud of achieving such a results.


Selcuk’s Hair Transplant Result
Before his hair transplant Selcuk had lost a significant amount of hair and as you can see, another patient has undergone an amazing transformation. Selcuk is working as an accountant and he could not cope with the fact of losing hair for couple of years. He is extremely happy to see himself with the head full of hair every time he looks in the mirror.


Jan’s Hair Transplant Result
Jan works in the field of construction. After 30 years of hard work he decided to fulfill his dream and undertake hair transplant procedure, which completely changed his life. He told to us that he feels as a completely new person. Much more fresh and ready to explore new things in his life. We are extremely pleased we have helped another patient to raise his self confidence.


Daniel’s Hair Transplant Result
Daniel is a fellow perfectionist and top interior designer who was concerned about his receding hairline. We have rebuilt the frontal hair line and temple region at high density. He has almost perfect donor hair and we are proud we achieved another successful results and happiness in our patient.


Michael’s Hair Transplant Result
Michael is working in the filed of Stock Exchange. Daily stress over the past years reflected on his health, mostly in significant hair loss. After reaching age of 34, Michael decided to undergo big change in his life and achieved younger look with the head full of hair. We are very proud to see such a results in another satisfied patient.


Francesco’s Hair Transplant Result
Francesco is a superb barber and the member of the Italian Barbers Association. In his daily job, in which he is styling hair of his custmers, he decided to undergo hair transplant and start to enjoying styling his own hair again. Nowadays his life completely changed. Results eleven months after procedure speak for everything.


Vladimir’s Hair Transplant Result
Before his hair transplant Vladimir had lost a significant amount of hair but since his procedure he has undergone an amazing transformation. Vladimir works in the field of construction as a Project Manager for over 15 years and this transformation changed his life both, in professional and private life.


Emre’s Hair Transplant Result
Emre is young successful entrepreneur who decided to change his life and undergo FUE Hair transplant procedure. His is amazed by results and happy to look at himself in the mirror as his dream became reality. Living life with his had full of hair. He strongly believe this big change of his life helped him to achieve continuous progress and success in current time of his life.


Simon’s Hair Transplant Result
Due to genetic code Simon had lost a significant amount of hair in his early twenties. He works in the field of media and since his first procedure he has undergone an amazing transformation. Simon confirmed that he is achieving an incomprehensibly better performance and he is feeling much better in front of the audience. This tremendous change helped him to conquer desired dream.


Rafael’s Hair Transplant Result
Rafael work as a professional Chef. This occupation gave him an opportunity to work world wide in top rated restaurants. Due to the genetic code and working in this stressful environment where he undergoes excessive sweating he had lost a significant amount of hair. Since his first procedure he has undergone an amazing transformation.

João Lucas’s Hair Transplant Result
João Lucas is typical sample of a young target oriented man. He started to loose his hair in early 20`s after moving to London from Brasil. He decided to fight this fact right after he finished his studies. FUE hair transplant procedure enormously changed his life. He successfully builds a career as a lawyer.